Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Las Pinas- week 11..... bombs away!


Thanks for the emails! Happy New Year! Fireworks here are pretty spectacular.  You know at the end of the Stadium of Fire and they're shooting off fireworks... and then at the very last of the song, they shoot off all of them at once?  Well that's how it is here in the sky at the Philippines. It's pretty cool. Days leading up to New Year's Eve, they're letting off bombs and other fireworks that are loud. Then on New Year's Eve around 6:30 PM or 7:00 PM they start to let off the fireworks in the sky nonstop like at the stadium of fire... and it goes on for the rest of the evening with it getting even more as it got closer to midnight. and then it would still go off in the morning too!. Yes, it was hard to sleep because along with the fireworks, it was the loudest thing I've ever experienced. The horn things that were played at the world cup in South Africa that caused a lot of problems, were played constantly and other horns that are even louder. I have to admit, earlier as were heading back to the apartment. My companion and I each bought one and then right before 10:30 PM we were blowing in the horns... it was great :) and really fun. It gets crazy here in the Philippines but I didn't actually see the bulk of it because of safety issues and curfew. It's fun and then it continues on for the next few days because everyone likes to party! :D  haha.  It was a great experience. This past week has been a really great week full of lessons. God is great! He's is so very merciful to me! There's this one family whose 14 year old daughter wants to get baptized but her mom is against it and she has gotten offended by us extending a baptismal invite to her daughter during first transfer and then the problems kind of escalated. She also hasn't liked the other missionaries either. So we backed off for over four weeks and re-evaluated our efforts and God inspired us with the way to go. Now she's very warm and excited to see us. God is helping us so much and she is softening up. We're teaching her the lessons again but in a way that excites her and that is because God inspired us to do it this way. We're including a story every time we teach and getting her more involved (our focus is mainly on her) and now she's more excited to hear more. We teaching with pictures and whatever we say we try to do it in story like telling (it's really hard to explain). She still has a long ways to go but she's progressing and I'm so excited to see the change in her! God is great!  On Wednesday, I get to go to the temple again! I'm pretty excited for that!  Next week are transfers... and that should be an interesting time. So I'm not sure, if I get to email on Monday or Wednesday.... I guess I'll find out then, haha.  :)  The investigators we have are progressing a lot and so are the less-actives, slowly but surely.. it just requires time, patience and love. I love it here and I'm so happy and grateful for the lessons I'm learning. We're getting blessed by God in a lot of ways and also with finding out the concerns of the less-actives and our investigators.Thanks for all that you do! Maraming salamat po!

Mahal ko Kayo!
Sister Mohrman

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