Monday, October 3, 2011

San Pedro- Week 10.......wonderful weather :)


I love the weather this past week. Yes there was a typhoon but that was north from where I was. We received a lot of rain and wind but that was about it. This past Tuesday was the heaviest day for that and all missionaries in Metro Manila (that includes me but I'm at the southern tip of that) were told to not work that day but use the time for extra study. It was a great study time. I learned so much. Rain is so amazing. It makes me happy every time it rains :D  General Conference... I didn't watch because it's not until this coming Saturday and Sunday for me. But I'm so excited to be able to go and listen to it and the end of the week :D.  A typical day I guess... would be that we study in the morning and then in the afternoon around 1 PM we go tract. We walk everywhere. Sometimes we take a trike or a jeepney but walking is the best. We live in the zone leaders' area and they live in our area... so that's pretty funny. I'm not sure what else you want in the description... There's so much potential in this area and I love it and the people so much! I'm working every day to be better and work harder than before!  On Sunday, for the ward's Relief Society, we watched the film about John Tanner. It's a great story, it's very inspiring. I learned a lot! We don't really have any investigators but our focus is finding this week. It will be great at working on improving my Tagalog and different finding techniques. The Philippines is very religious. I've never seen a place like this before. There's lots of religions, but the majority are Catholic. However, there's this church called Egliescion (?) Cristo. The Church of Christ. It's a pretty interesting and popular religion here in the Philippines but only in the Philippines.
P.S. They're not allowed to talk about their religion to other people because then the people might convert them to Satan's religion or something like that. Funny thing, the leader (from what I've heard) went to BYU and graduated but then I guess he wanted to be a prophet or something so he started this religion, hence why they're not supposed to talk about their religion to other people, especially missionaries :S pretty funny twist of irony. end of P.S.
They're not allowed to read the bible either... You hear a lot of rumors about different churches. It's a pretty hush hush religion, but people have talked and that's why everyone knows their basic beliefs. I'm sure I'll learn more about that religion as I understand and speak the language more later on. The extra study time is for the 12 week training missionaries only (unless it changes in the future). As far as I know that after transfers (around mid-October) I'll just have the one hour of companionship study. It's a shame, but there's reasons for everything and I know that this mission is being inspired to know what we need to do. The next few weeks will be kinda crazy... so even shorter emails maybe, and I'll probably won't be able to write them on Monday. I'm really grateful for what I've learned and still learning in this companionship.... I love the lessons and can feel myself every day spiritually changing. I love this work and I'm so excited for this week! Thanks for the emails! I appreciate them!
Mahal ko Kayo!
Sister Mohrman

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