Monday, August 1, 2011

San Pedro- week 2..... oh the joy of rain :)

Magandang Hapon!

        I've learned a lot these past few days. It's great here! By the way San Pedro is like an area... a rather large area. I think the huge city part is called Mun... I don't remember. Oh well, I'll know it eventually :) You
know... I didn't wash my clothes on Friday, I fell asleep :).  Blame jet lag :)  However, sometime today I will have to wash my clothes and my companion will teach me how to because I don' know how to wash by hand.  Great new experience! I love the rain!  However, I hope it clears up today because if it doesn't clear up then my clothes will remain wet for a couple of days and I won't have very many clothes left haha.  God has blessed me with this challenge in this area.  Apparently the elders that were last here left a really bad impression on the members and so the zone leaders are now working in the same ward as us because we're both new to this area. The zone leaders have to work hard to fix the reputation and we have to work hard too so that they can trust us and give us referrals.  On Saturday we found a new family and we taught them (well more like Sister Fabrigas taught them and I bore my testimony at the end). Funny story about that. My companion has had 11 companions and I'm the 11th. I'm her first and last American companion.  She's had seven Filipino companions, two Pakistani companions and one Canadian. She had a dream that she would get an American companion this transfer and that we were teaching at a house. Well, we were at that house
on Saturday. Pretty cool, eh?  This is the first time that I've heard of myself being in someone's dream/vision.  Pretty spiffy. There's a lot of work to be done in this area.  However, a general authority came last year
or sometime like that and made a prophecy to the Filipinos about their country. The prophecy was that within the next few years (during my time here and after!), the Philippines will see missionary work like it has never
before. God is causing His work to move really fast here and the general authority said that the work will go on with or without the Filipinos helping it.  Such a powerful prophecy. What a great blessing to be here during this time. I'm so excited and humbled that God sent me here. I don't know how to explain it but this land is so blessed. You feel it when you walk in the street and you look at the people! Also there's this feeling like on Andiamon (?) it's the feeling like something great is coming here soon and it will burst forth! It's so hard to explain. Yes, the Philippines is one of the poorest countries in the world (and you can tell right away), but it's amazing! Yes, there's a ton of work that needs to be done but like Amman and Aaron and their brethren,  God is moving His work here and it will increase in such a way that it has never been seen before!  Such a powerful prophecy!  So much work to do! I'm working at learning this language! I'm determined that I will speak this language no matter what!  I love it here!
I love it here!
          By the way, I think I will gain some weight here.... apparently they like to feed us, oh well, anything to help these people out, right? :D  I'm trying to find ways to serve and be more interactive with the ward but it's a step by step process and I really need to learn this language. Yesterday, the first counselor's family fed us (the zone leaders and my companion and me) and as I was eating I noticed a tiny little thing with eyeballs on it.... it was a fish!  I have to say that I didn't eat it... I put it under the chicken bones that I had eaten. I think I ate some of it without realizing (because it was mixed in a paste), but I had a hard time eating it after I noticed that it was staring at me and had its full body... hopefully, I'll acquire the taste :)  They have a Filipino girl who's working as their maid, named Sister Lis (Lis is her nickname), and she was going to be baptized on Saturday but she didn't follow through. She has some worries that we're working on.  But she has such a strong testimony! It's so incredible! She's so nice too and funny!  Apparently, I have Filipino humor, that's good... I didn't know that. They (meaning the majority of the Filipinos I come in contact with) laugh a lot at me and I laugh too at them and at myself! It's a grand 'ole experience! :) Hopefully they will get to trust us as we strive to be obedient and do the Lord's work! Please pray for their hearts to open and for the family we taught on Saturday and Sister Lis! Well I would write more but we have limited amount of time today
because of district meeting!  Thanks for the emails!

Mahal ko Kayo!!!
Sister Mohrman

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