Monday, August 8, 2011

San Pedro- end of Week 2...... love the cold water


Thanks for the emails!  Things are great here!  I learn so much every day and I'm so grateful for that!  I love having cold water to clean myself with!  It's hot here and then it gets really hot after you exercise so the cold water feels soooooo good! :) Actually, time ran out last preparation day.... so I didn't wash my clothes but I am going to be doing it for the first time after I finish writing this email. I'm pretty excited to learn this new skill :D  I have to say that I'm loving the Filipino food. Sorry this is going to be short because today has been kinda hectic  :)  I have to say that I really do love the rain!  But then again, I've always loved the rain :).  Hope it rains more :) (but not until my clothes are dry) :D  This past week had interesting moments... my companion was sick for three days and so we didn't tract very much those three days.  I felt bad for her because I do know the feeling ;) But it was great, we both learned a lot and I got lots of studying time (which I needed)  :)  It's great here!  San Pedro is the area. It's actually a really big area and the big city we're in is called.... something like Muntinlupa (?) city or something like that!  I'm still learning :)  I love my companion!  She's teaching me so much and I'm very blessed that God put me with her and in an area like this!  Lots of challenges and work but so many adventures (which I love all three) :) and I look forward to the day when I'm completely immersed in this culture! :D This coming week should be really busy as we're going to be working with our investigators, new investigators, less-actives, and finding more people and hopefully working with the members more and etc...!  Again, sorry this is short but I've run out of time and there's still so much left to do!  :) 
Mahal ko Kayo!
Sister Mohrman

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