Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Mandaluyong- week 28..... a week full of interviews, rain and just emails to everyone :)

(mixture of family emails with news)


Thanks for the two packages! I received them and it made me happy! I also just decided I would write an email to everyone
Thanks for the emails every week, I really appreciate them and thank you so much for everything you all do!
I really am enjoying my dream. Every day is a new part of my adventure in the Philippines. God is so very merciful and I really love and appreciate the lessons I'm learning every day. It's so incredible because I'm just like... okay, I now know what could be better in the future and it's so great. Honestly, I really have loved every single day of my mission so far, even the hard days because there are always things that happen on that day that just raises my spirit. I don't know how some people don't like learning lessons, though. It's so merciful of God to let us know what we need to improve and it's so humbling that He is doing that with me every day. I am so appreciative of it. For the first time I've been here in the Philippines. It rained for six straight days... (Before, it would rain one day and then skip a few and rain again- that type of thing), it was such a tender mercy from Heavenly Father to me because I know it was for me and it was great!  
By the way, what are your plans for coming here? The mission office is asking me questions and would like answers next week.... Are we going to be spending Sunday here? The Christmas lights on the temple should be open from the 16th and onwards.... What are the airports we're flying too and everything? I guess, Salt Lake is pressuring our mission for the missionaries in December because it's so busy here at Christmas. They also told me to tell you (but I'm sure you already know... but I'm just following orders) to coordinate with Salt Lake or something like that... yeah yeah, boring stuff. Sorry. Yeah, you wouldn't like driving here, it's ranked as one of the craziest places in the world to drive....and I can attest to that,  but I love it :)  I love it here, it rained for 6 straight days and it was the first time I've ever seen it happen here! It was great! :) Because of that rain, it's been a good week! :) I love the lessons God is teaching me every day. Who was the sister who owned the blog? My transfers are in August.. I think two weeks from now... pretty interesting. I think I might be transferring because of some things... but who knows... Oh yeah, yesterday was my interview with President and that's always interesting!  By the way.. I guess this next part is my insight... because you always ask :)  I just copied and pasted what I wrote to President Stucki.... 
There's always two sides to everything and so often the one side never gets explained. But I was reading in Mosiah 24:12 and it was amazing. It was about how the Alma and his people poured out their hearts to God because they couldn't do it vocally and He heard their prayers and their thought. So it's amazing that God knows everything, every thought, every story, every intention and every desire. How merciful He is. This applies to many things as I was thinking about this. Our less-actives, investigators, ward members, recent converts, our area, our companionship (basically everything in life)- each have stories. It's merciful gift from God to have His Spirit helping us to see the whole picture and not just a limited section especially amongst the less-actives we've been working with. This chapter really helped me out so much and I learned so much. I also received some insight in what should be done with the less-active families we've been visiting. Because we're now trying to get the less-actives up to the next level of their progression.   It's a great chapter. I learned so much from it.
Thanks for everything!  Love ya!
Mahal ko Kayo!
Mahal Kita
Sister Mohrman

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