Monday, October 1, 2012

Bulihan- week 8.... elections? VOTE, VOTE, VOTE daw :)


Thanks for the emails. I appreciate them. Things are going well and I'm learning a lot. God is great and I love it here in the Philippines. The work is moving forwards and will move forwards faster this week. :) Brother Mario is great and we're still praying for him and his family. The branch had an activity this past Saturday, but he hurt his foot so then he didn't come to church yesterday :S but he's still progressing and is excited for his baptism. We're making headway with the less-actives, slowly but surely. The weather is great. We're still working on developing stronger relationships with the branch so that's a work-in-progress but God is helping us and it's been great. :D We're still house hunting... I think everyone from the President, to the couple missionary are getting anxious.... join the club... but on the bright side, we get to enjoy the hospitality and kindness of a senior couple. :) But no worries, things happen in God's time.. I just find the situation a bit humorous on the ironic side so that's why I've shared it. :) I'm pretty excited. On Wednesday, I get to go to the temple :) and then on Saturday is the broadcast for the Relief Society meeting here... I'm pretty excited... I have to admit... it will be the first one I've ever seen... and it will be here in the Philippines... great first time :).  (before I would just read some of the talks but not now)... well thanks again! Oh yeah... it's pretty neat. President and Sister Stucki are giving extra time to us American missionaries to vote... Grabe, I thought I wasn't going to but now I get to. :) I hear it's pretty intense! It's amazing what a blessing it is to vote... some people don't have that chance... so I'm thankful that I'm exercising my right to vote (even the First Presidency has encouraged us). Hope all is well! Enjoy voting!

Mahal ko Kayo,
Sister Mohrman

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