Friday, June 17, 2011

MTC week 3: Fun stuff....

Mangadang Hapon!
So.... exciting news.  On Monday the older district is leaving so my district and the other ones that came on the same day are going to be the "senior missionaries".  Fun eh?  Not really, that means we now have to prepare a talk completely in Tagalog every week and then our Branch president randomly calls a couple of missionaries during the meeting to give it.  fun, fun.  It's a great learning experience. I get to practice forming sentences together.  I hope I get called soon so I don't have to give it later  :)  Great learning experience at the TRC yesterday.  It's amazing how much I'm learning at such a quick pace.  The spirit is helping me so much and pushing me beyond myself.  I love the MTC.  Well, I guess I should tell you some of the basic information.  I have two teachers, Sister Sorenson (?) and Brother Mansfield. They are the best teachers ever (well besides the spirit and stuff like that)!  I learn so much from them.  The food here is not bad but I think it's overrated.  I think the milk is the best.  In fact, I love the milk, (not that you all are surprised, but if you were then there's need to be concerned :) They have a wrap bar (kinda like the pita pit).  They're good and quite filling.  I study in a classroom and sleep in a room....  I love the MTC.  The language is coming, that's pretty exciting.  Slowly, but still faster then what it normally would be.  I love the gospel.  
I had quite the humbling experience this week.  My eye (the one that didn't get the stye in it) became infected.  That was rather interesting.  My eye swelled up and for a bit, it looked like Frankenstein's daughter was walking in the MTC.  :) Anyways, this happened around Tuesday...ish.  My companion wanted me to go get it checked out but I assured her that with a hot rag over my eye and time that it would get better....silly me.  The pain increased in my eye until during class (in our companion study). Finally, I agreed we should go to the Health clinic.  fun, fun.  During this time, I realized that I had been ignoring the spirit because of pride and stubborness on my part.  The spirit told sister Dyer to take me to the health center.  Once we got to the health clinic, they had only one opening up at the BYU health center.  The appointment was 10 minutes from where we were on that day.  It was the only opening for the next several days.  This was also a day where they had 7 eye doctors up at BYU.  The MTC health clinic was full, that's why we were sent up to BYU.  When we got to the eye doctor place in the health center, the doctor told me that I needed to put a hot rag over my eye for four times a day and use these special drops in my eye or else it would become worse and I'd have to get surgery on my eye to get it out!  I realized even more how important it is to listen to the spirit.  I also think that I needed to listen to my companion when she gets them... quite the lesson learned.  NO worries, my eye is practically healed.  I guess I just needed to learn a lesson in humility.  I'm really grateful for these lessons I'm learning.  God is so merciful to me.  I need to go, but I'll write the rest later. 
Inget Po
Mahal Kay
Sister Mohrman

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