Monday, September 10, 2012

Bulihan- week 5........ next week will be a creative title.. for now it's just this.... so enjoy :D


Thanks for the emails! I always appreciate them! Things are going great and I love it here. God is helping us every day and it's amazing seeing His hand in this every day. It was a pretty interesting experience yesterday....  We had an investigator, Sister Rhea at church yesterday and that was pretty neat. She really enjoyed Sacrament and Gospel Principles and everyone had been so nice to her and she really liked it. Then it was time for Relief Society... and to put it short... she was put on the spotlight and she became kinda defensive... I don't think she was scared away, but we're still praying..  :)  This branch is great. It's been a while since they've had investigators from missionaries at church and so they're really eager to befriend and I love it here. God is great. We were able to find many new investigators and potential investigators and on Sunday, was another miracle! We went over to some members' houses and we received many referrals and finally we have members who are willing to work with us during the week! It's amazing! They also led us to some less-active homes that We were also fed a lot of food on Saturday and Sunday... it was delicious but it was a lot but it was really funny seeing my companion's reaction when she found out what she was eating and it was great. :)  I love it here. I love the food and I really think I must have been a Filipina in a past life or something.  It's been raining some and I always love the rain. We have a lot of plans and appointments for this week and we're so excited to do them! God is truly great and this work is the best there is! I'm learning so much every day and I appreciate all the lessons God is teaching me! Thanks again for the emails!

Mahal ko Kayo!
Sister Mohrman

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